This ad was designed to explain how ECDC eLearning courses can be packaged for Android devices. Courses can be used anywhere, anytime.


This project was built to advertise an update to the ECDC eLearning platform that allows courses to be run on Android mobile devices. I built this from soup to nuts, beginning with writing the voiceover, storyboarding the visuals, collecting the assets, planning and filming the green screen footage and set, doing the visual effects, recording the voiceover and putting together the audio mix, and finally editing it to it's completed form.

The bulk of my time on this project was spent getting the green screen footage of the soldier looking clean, rotoscoping the mask used around his arm when he reaches into the computer screen, and tracking the ECDC screen onto the tablet that he's holding. After a few rounds of edits, this project was completed in about 80 hours.
